Posted in In English, Journey, Motherhood


Cobaan. It (surely) comes in different faces.

Saat hidup jauh di perantauan, tanpa orang tua dan saudara, the least we expected is to get ill. Apalagi, kalau yang sakit itu anak.

Campur aduk rasanya.

Sakit yang awalnya we didn’t even notice.. But it turned out quite serious.

Harus bolak balik ke dokter sampe 3x dalam waktu 1 minggu, ditambah akhirnya dirujuk ke bagian anak di rumah sakit.. Tadinya masih predictable.

Lalu akhirnya, dirujuk lagi ke bagian lain karena katanya the case needs some serious and specific treatment.. Mulai sedikit panik.

Then in a sudden, you are faced with a woman in white coat, having to sign a letter requiring you to give her the authority to do some small surgery on your child..your little girl…

Yaaa Rabbi…. :’

And in no time.. You have to leave your little girl alone in a room with some ‘strangers’ in green masks and coats, while she was shouting and calling out your name, over again, asking you to hold her..

Yaa Allah………

Not being able to do anything, you were outside the room with your husband..and all you can hear was your little girl’s voice..crying and yelling..telling all the ‘strangers’ to stop ‘touching’ her..

Surely she’s in pain..

I bursted into tears.

At that exact moment, a voice running in your head, “I just wish I could replace her place to bare the pain..”


Afterwards, you come home with bottles of antibiotic, post-surgery treatment that should be consumed within 7 days. That little body…

She kept crying, she’s in trauma.. The wound wrappers were covered in sweat and started to fall off, while that woman in white coat told you that it needs to be covered, every-single-time.


But she kept crying.. Not letting me or her father re-wrap or even touch her unwrapped wound..


She has to consume the antibiotic soon after she had her meal..but she kept crying.. Not wanting to eat anything, to chew anything, afraid that it would affect the wrapped wounds on her neck..

Beri kekuatan dan kesabaran Yaa Allah.. :’

Beri kesembuhan dan kesehatan pada anakku….

6 thoughts on “Cobaan

    1. bedah kecil aja ko Wi, ngeluarin nanah yg udah jadi abses di leher.. Kemaren parno emaknya nulis pas lagi di puncak emosi,. 😥 gini ternyata rasanya jadi ibu ya… Tapi sekarang alhamdulillah udah mau makan dan minum obat. aamiin.. makasih yaaa,.. *hugs


  1. teteeehh… kasian iihh alma nyaa.. aku yg cuma baca aja udh gmn gt rasanya… mdh2n cpet sembuh yaaa..

    btw knp awalnya ada nanah d leher teh?


    1. diagnosis dokter kena gigit kumbang tomcat Cha, jadi parah karena telat keobatin mungkin.. awalnya ketauan pagi bangun tidur cuma kaya digigit nyamuk biasa, Alma nya juga ga ngeluh, ga demam juga, taunya makin hari membesar dan bengkak..jadi infeksi, tapi sekarang pasca insisi tinggal pemulihan aja, harus telaten minumin antibiotiknya. Aamiin.. makasih yaa.. 🙂


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